Golf Grip Removal

For grip removal, the basic steps are to carefully cut off the old grip, remove old tape, and clean the golf shaft completely. Let's go over the specifics in detail.

1.Here's our start point. Here is a golf club with a grip that you'd like to change out.

2. The only tool we really need to removal the grip is a utility knife. Using the knife, start cutting the grip vertically. Be careful not to cut all the way through the grip if you have a graphite shaft. Instead, once you have a slight cut, start putting the grip apart. Once you are pulling the grip, it usually splits on it's own as you work you way to the butt end of the club. Simply use the knife to cut any pieces that don't seem to cooperate.

3. Once you have the grip off, you will most likely have the old tape still on the shaft.

4. Sometimes you can just peel the tape of and your left without any tape residue. However, sometimes when you start trying to strip the tape off, it only comes off in pieces. When this happens, I grab the utility knife again and gently scrape the tape off. However, again, if you are working on a graphite shaft you have to be extremely careful to not cut or knick the graphite with the knife. Honestly, I would not even use this scrape method with graphite; instead, I would just soak the grip in solvent and then rub it off.

5. The final result should be a smooth, clean golf shaft with no tape remaining on the shaft. When you get to this point, it's time to prepare for the grip installation.

6. Go to grip installation.

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